30 December 2008
Boys & Girls Book Groups
Join Northfield dad Patrick Ganey in reading "The Whipping Boy" by Sid Fleischman. The boy's reading group will meet Monday nights at 7 beginning January 5th. They won't meet the 3rd Monday of the month.
Join the St. Olaf volunteers from Story House as they explore books
featuring exciting stories about girls. The book for this session is "The Face on the Milk Carton" by Caroline Cooney. Thursdays starting 7 pm.
New memebers always welcome!
Programs at the library are free and open to all. For more info or details please email or call 645-1894
Join Northfield dad Patrick Ganey in reading "The Whipping Boy" by Sid Fleischman. The boy's reading group will meet Monday nights at 7 beginning January 5th. They won't meet the 3rd Monday of the month.
Join the St. Olaf volunteers from Story House as they explore books
featuring exciting stories about girls. The book for this session is "The Face on the Milk Carton" by Caroline Cooney. Thursdays starting 7 pm.
New memebers always welcome!
Programs at the library are free and open to all. For more info or details please email or call 645-1894
29 December 2008
"One stop shopping" for great kid's sites on the internet.
17 December 2008
Here's a link to try out! Many children's activities.
05 December 2008
25 November 2008
04 November 2008
The model trains will be here! Winter Walk 2008

Northfield's Winter Walk will be Thursday, Dec. 4th. Once again model trains will take over the library! Everyone can see the trains which will be in the lobby and upstairs at the library from 5 to 8:30.
The Teen Advisory Board will be selling yummy train shaped sugar cookies. The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
26 September 2008
Thanks to the FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY we have new shelves in the children's area!

Aren't they lovely!? This shelving unit replaces those pesky spinners the books on tape/cd used to be on. These are one of the benefits of the Friends of the Library's Spelling Bee in 2007. The couch and music CD holder are the other new elements from the Friends!
It took a team to get the shelves together! Thanks to Bill North, David Geist, Steve Schmidt, Larry Morgan and Bernie Shakel for helping Leesa and me.
Kathy Here's the link to the Friends you can thank them if you'd like!
20 September 2008
THANKS to the Cocoa Bean!!!!
02 September 2008
Children's programs

10 am Tuesdays
Infant Lapsit is specially designed to encourage development of language and motor skills by incorporating books with simple songs, rhymes and fingerplays.
For ages 6-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Toddler Rhyme Time
10 am Wednesdays
Is a time to encourage development of language and motor skills by integrating movement, songs, books and rhymes for kids ages 2-3 with parent or caregiver.
Story Time for 4’s and 5’s
10 am Thursdays
Stories and a craft for the “just about ready for school crowd.”
For those who are ready to sit and listen to a picture book, sing songs and create a small art project.
Carleton ACT Story Hour
TBA Saturdays
Saturday morning stories and crafts. during Carleton’s school year.
First Steps Early Literacy Center
Monday, Friday and Saturdays 10 am to noon
A parent or caregiver-directed activity center where toddlers and preschoolers are surrounded by alphabet manipulatives, concept books, board books and puzzles, all designed to be a fun learning experience. In the library’s meeting room.
call 645-1804 or email Kathy
call 645-1804 or email Kathy
27 August 2008
11 August 2008
The last Books & Stars of the year featured "Tales with Tails" naturalist Kevin Strauss

Books & Stars featured naturalist Kevin Strauss!
He told stories that took us to the forests of long ago and into a world where animals can talk. A rather small but appreciative audience enjoyed the stories and the beautiful evening.
Many thanks go a grant Southeastern Arts Council that made this year's Books & Stars possible. Thanks also to Marvin & Eileen from the Cocoa Bean who where back supporting Booker with their sales of the cool Hawaiian shaved ice!
Thanks also goes to the Northfield Parks & Street crew for setting up the showmobile. Diana on Booker checked out and in LOTS of books on Booker. Thanks Diana! Thanks also go to Kelly, the community services intern and Ana, Nicholas, Tate, Claire and other library pages who helped at Books & Stars. We had a great 2008!
07 August 2008
Fun at the pool with Hans Mayer!

Click here and here see more photos!
06 August 2008
Our last MN History Player Virginia Mae Hope

Virginia Mae Hope, a native of Winnebago, Minn., was a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) during World War II. The WASP performed wartime duties in the United States, thus freeing male pilots for combat. Hope was one of only 1,074 women to recieve the WASP silver wings after completing rigorous training at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas. After graduation, she was assigned to the Weather Wing and stationed at Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio. She died on Dec. 7, 1944, in Omaha, Neb., when the plane on which she was a passenger crashed after takeoff.
Virginia Hope was known to say, "Isn't it just wonderful!" about her WASP career, though she and other female pilots faced blatant discrimination simply because they were women. Not until 1977, 33 years after the program was disbanded, did Congress recognize the WASP as military pilots and grant them veteran status.
Her visit was our last in our series celebrating Minnesota's Sesquicentennial. The Minnesota History Player visits where made possible by a grant from the Northfield Area Foundation.
Thank you!
25 July 2008
THANKS 2008 Library Pages!
Pictured above are most of the 2008 Library Pages who helped make the library's summer reading program a success! From the left are: Lily, Tate, Dave, Anne, Annika, Emma, Claire, Nicholas and Easton. Not pictured are: Ana, Rachel & Naomi. The library couldn't have a summer reading program without these dedicated volunteers! They are very special.
Thanks for making this summer fun and exciting! Kathy Ness
Thanks for making this summer fun and exciting! Kathy Ness
Books & Stars KID POWER July 23

We had lots of fun and dancing with Rachel Kroog's KID POWER at Odd Fellows Park.
July 30th's Books & Stars will be
Tra Ti Ti Tran Tran Toro
Zorongo Flamenco puppet theatre – a taste of Spain!
7 pm at Greenvale Park
Tra Ti Ti Tran Tran Toro
Zorongo Flamenco puppet theatre – a taste of Spain!
7 pm at Greenvale Park
17 July 2008
Maud Hart Lovelace visits the library!

Author Maud Hart Lovelace told us about her life in Mankato and about writing her books. This Minnesota 150 program was made possible by a grant from the Northfield Area Foundation.
Click here to see more photos.
Books & Stars with Bob & Gail- old timey, fun music!

On a rather steamy evening Bob Bovee & Gail Heil performed at Sibley school. The kids danced and the adults had fun and everyone enjoyed the music!
Click here to see more photos.
11 July 2008
10 July 2008
Minnesota 150 talk "Dakota Children 1860's"

Tami from the Minnesota History Center told us about what Dakota children did 150 years ago. From how diapers worked (baby bunny skin with cattail lining), baby cradle boards to what games they played. It was very interesting!
This was sponsored by a grant from the Northfield Area Foundation.
Click here to see some pictures.
07 July 2008
03 July 2008
Mary Dodge Woodward tells about an 1880's Bonanza Farm

Click here for more info on her and Bonanza Farms
26 June 2008
Harriet Bishop visits to tell us about 1874 Minnesota

Harriet arrived in St. Paul via canoe in July of 1874. She came to the early frontier town to teach school. The mosquitos attacked, her school had an animal skin for a door, a chicken running loose and 7 students. Only 2 of her students spoke English, but luckily one could translate for her into French and Dakota. She stayed in St. Paul and taught and wrote books and poems for many years. Click here for more information about her life and work.
Thanks to the Northfield Area Foundation for making her visit possible.
See more pictures at the right-
Books & Stars was super at Way Park! June 26 With funny guy Dave Walbridge
24 June 2008
Learn a little Minnesota History every Thursday at 11:30!

Special 150 Minnesota History talks!
Characters from the Minnesota History Center, The Mill City Museum and the Northfield Historical Society will present weekly programs.
Thursdays 11:30 to 12:30 pm in the library’s meeting room. Each program is unique! These professional re-enactors will take you back to various times in Minnesota history. The programs are free and open to all but are structured for children K-5th grade.
Click on flyer to enlarge.
21 June 2008
19 June 2008
Minnesota 150 Talk featured Northfielder Francis AnDyke

Jeff Sauve aka Francis "Frank" AnDyke presented a great program on living in Cannon City in the 1860's and what it was like to dig ginseng, deliver mail & thrash wheat. He later lived in Dundas then opened his own blacksmithing shop in Northfield. He later retired and started candy making!

Thanks Jeff and thanks to the Northfield Historical Society for co-sponsoring the event.
13 June 2008
12 June 2008
Fur Trade Clerk George Nelson visits the library

George Nelson(1786 - 1859)Fur Trade Clerk
Told us about:
His life as a fur trade clerk for the XY, North West and Hudson Bay companies.
The roles of traders, clerks, voyageurs and Indian suppliers in the Great Lakes fur trade.
The cultural and economic exchange between the Dakota, Ojibwe and Europeans.
He had sample trade goods from around the world and we guessed the value in pelts. For more pictures click here.
Told us about:
His life as a fur trade clerk for the XY, North West and Hudson Bay companies.
The roles of traders, clerks, voyageurs and Indian suppliers in the Great Lakes fur trade.
The cultural and economic exchange between the Dakota, Ojibwe and Europeans.
He had sample trade goods from around the world and we guessed the value in pelts. For more pictures click here.
It was very interesting and entertaining.
Thanks to the Northfield Area Foundation for the grant to make his visit and the other Minnesota 150 History talks happen. Next week's program will feature Francis AnDyke an early settler and blacksmith in Northfield! Thursday, June 19 at 11:30.
11 June 2008
June 11th BOOKS & STARS

Books & Stars was inside at the high school, and it was as fun as ever! Click here to see some photos! The sing-along with the Good Time Trio of Mike Hildebrandt, Graig Wasner and Jessy Shouler was great!
10 June 2008
A Newbery Medal Award Challenge Finisher!

Super Rea
der Lisa Wheeler has completed all 86 Newbery Award books! The award was created in 1922 and is given annually for outstanding children's fiction. Lisa completed the Newbery Challenge in 2 years!

Congratulations Lisa!
Click here to see all the books!
31 May 2008
Merlin Mondays- the book group for boys continues all summer
06 May 2008
Summer Reading Program Schedule

Summer Schedule
Pick up a Investigation sheet anytime after June 2.
Pick up a Investigation sheet anytime after June 2.
Program begins June 9 and goes to July 25.
June 16 at 3 pm Nuts about Newbery Book Group
“Strawberry Girl” by Lois Lenski
July 21 at 3 pm Nuts about Newbery Book Group
“Story of Mankind” by VanLoon
5 pm -8 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
10 am Patty Cake, Patty Cake Infant Lapsit
1 pm- 4 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
10 am Toddler Rhyme Time
1 pm- 4 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
6:30 Booker opens for Books & Stars
7:00 Books & Stars great performers for all ages at various parks in parks in Northfield.
Books & Stars is made possible by a grant from the Southern Minnesota Art’s Council
10 am Pre-School Story Time for 4 and 5 year olds
11:30 to 1 pm
Special Minnesota 150 History Time
Characters from the Minnesota History Center, Mill City Museum and the Northfield Historical Society will present weekly programs to celebrate our states 150th birthday.
1 pm Investigators Lunch! for kids who have met a weekly investigation reading goal. When you meet your goal you will get a special sticker that will get you into the Pizza lunch bunch.
Call 645-1810 or here for more details and updates.
June 16 at 3 pm Nuts about Newbery Book Group
“Strawberry Girl” by Lois Lenski
July 21 at 3 pm Nuts about Newbery Book Group
“Story of Mankind” by VanLoon
5 pm -8 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
10 am Patty Cake, Patty Cake Infant Lapsit
1 pm- 4 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
10 am Toddler Rhyme Time
1 pm- 4 pm What’s Buzzin’ Investigation Time
6:30 Booker opens for Books & Stars
7:00 Books & Stars great performers for all ages at various parks in parks in Northfield.
Books & Stars is made possible by a grant from the Southern Minnesota Art’s Council
10 am Pre-School Story Time for 4 and 5 year olds
11:30 to 1 pm
Special Minnesota 150 History Time
Characters from the Minnesota History Center, Mill City Museum and the Northfield Historical Society will present weekly programs to celebrate our states 150th birthday.
1 pm Investigators Lunch! for kids who have met a weekly investigation reading goal. When you meet your goal you will get a special sticker that will get you into the Pizza lunch bunch.

Call 645-1810 or here for more details and updates.
Summer Reading Program Information

Pick up a reading investigation sheet at the library starting June 2.
Read books and record what you have read (or what was read to you) on the sheet.
Bring it with you when you come to the library!
First Goal met get a free book pack courtesy of the Friends of the Library.
All goals met after that earn a badge for your book pack!
Kids going into grades 1st to 3rd– complete 5 investigations.
Kids going into grades 4th and up– complete 3 investigations.
If you meet your goal for the week, you can come to the Investigators Pizza Lunch after the
Minnesota 150 History time!
Fill out a book slip for every book you read to enter for prizes and “Reader of the Week”
Remember to read books that challenge and prepare you for school!
Minnesota 150 History TimeCharacters from the Minnesota
History Center, Mill City Museum and the Northfield Historical Society will present weekly programs Thursdays 11:30 to 1 pm in the library’s meeting room.
Each program is unique! These professional re-enactors will take you back to various times in Minnesota history. The programs are free and open to all but are structured for children K-5th grade. Made possible by a grant from the Northfield Area Foundation.
Kids in the summer reading program who meet a reading investigation goal are invited to come to the program then stay and enjoy a free Investigators Lunch donated by Northfield’s Domino’s. (To have the pizza you must have read and met your reading goal!)
02 May 2008
What's going on this summer-
First Steps Room will be open! Monday, Fridays & Saturdays 10-12.
Starting the week of June 9th
10 am Tuesdays Patty Cake Infant Lapsit
Infant Lapsit is specially designed to encourage development of language and motor skills by incorporating books with simple songs, rhymes and fingerplays. For ages 6-18 months with parent or caregiver.
10 am Wednesdays Toddler Rhyme Time
Rhyme Time is a time to encourage development of language and motor skills by integrating movement, songs, books and rhymes for kids ages 2-3 with parent or caregiver.
10 am Thursdays Story Time
for 4’s and 5’s Stories and a craft for the “just about ready for school crowd.” For those who are ready to sit and listen to a picture book, sing songs and create a small art project.
FIRST STEPS Early Literacy Center
Hand on fun and learning!
10 am- noon Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Starting the week of June 9th
10 am Tuesdays Patty Cake Infant Lapsit
Infant Lapsit is specially designed to encourage development of language and motor skills by incorporating books with simple songs, rhymes and fingerplays. For ages 6-18 months with parent or caregiver.
10 am Wednesdays Toddler Rhyme Time
Rhyme Time is a time to encourage development of language and motor skills by integrating movement, songs, books and rhymes for kids ages 2-3 with parent or caregiver.
10 am Thursdays Story Time
for 4’s and 5’s Stories and a craft for the “just about ready for school crowd.” For those who are ready to sit and listen to a picture book, sing songs and create a small art project.
FIRST STEPS Early Literacy Center
Hand on fun and learning!
10 am- noon Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
04 April 2008
Click here to see Justin Roberts new music video!
Take a look here! Justin will be here July 9!
Special Performance sponsored by the Friends of the Library
7 pm at Central Park
Special Performance sponsored by the Friends of the Library
7 pm at Central Park
05 March 2008
Books & Stars 2008

Booker, the Book Bus opens at 6:30 pm, the entertainment begins at 7 pm Wednesday evenings.
Booker has library materials for all ages. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and settle in for fun!
The Cocoa Bean returns to sell their refreshing Hawaiian Shaved Ice and the proceeds are donated to Booker! Click here to see some photos from last summer.
The show will always go on! *RAIN SITE: Northfield High School Auditorium Call 645-6606 for details or changes.
July 9
Justin Roberts
Special Performance sponsored by the Friends of the Library
7 pm at Central Park
July 16
American Folk Music Heritage with fiddle, banjo, guitar, harmonica and autoharp with Bob & Gail 7 pm at Sibley School West Side
July 23
KID POWER with Rachael! Lively interactive musical fun with comedy, impressions and juggling! 7 pm at Odd Fellow’s Park
July 30
Tra Ti Ti Tran Tran Toro Flamenco puppet theatre treat –a taste of Spain! Zorongo Flamenco
7 pm at Greenvale Park
August 6
Hans Mayer! Lively music fun! **Free swim night at the Outdoor Pool starting at 6 pm** show starts at 7!
August 13
Kevin Strauss “Tales from Tails” explore the natural world with stories & songs .
7 pm at Central Park
This summer schedule of outstanding music and fun is made possible by a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council. With support from the City of Northfield-Library and Northfield Schools-Family Services Division.
13 February 2008
Early learning fun
02 February 2008
Emmet & Ralph
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