Look! Five vowels, all howling!” Welcome to Sundog, Minnesota! When homeschooled, Norse-myth-obsessed Alexa Stevens moves from New York City, she doesn’t know what to expect. What is a small town like? Explore a new landscape with Alexa as she observes wolves in the wild and forms a close pack of friends. Meet A, Alexa: a lover of words and questions, quirky and sprightly, she wants to know everything so she can know the whole story; Meet E, Eduardo: tall and mysterious, with a streak of sadness, he speaks Alexa’s language and has a few tricks up his sleeve; Meet I, Isabelle: quiet and tiny, with big eyes that take everything in, she is good with her hands and good to confide in; Meet O, Otto: always in motion, with laughing eyes, he dances his way into Alexa’s heart; Meet U, Ursula: strong and headstrong, Ursula has a lot on her shoulders as she dreams of adventure and making her own way in life. Join city girl Alexa as she tastes unfamiliar seasons, comes to know her friends, really sees herself, and discovers her own way to make her mark on the world.
Leslie will be at the Northfield Public Library's meeting room on Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 1 pm to read from and talk about her book. Take a look at Leslie and her book here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r7c5iA-Ow8 and on her website
Her book will be available for purchase and autographing.